13 Volts
The Bunker at Tonic, NYC. photo Kid Kameleon
13 Volts and 1 Carrot

[somewhere between electricity and the eatable]

I like to think about "13 Volts and 1 Carrot" as a field -
to be examined in terms of movements, gestures, tempo, loundness/silence -
between the electric field and the organic - the eatable.
The sounds I use are also based on this notion,
from natural sounds, to a synthezised sound.

I also like to think of the performance as a dance, sound
performance, a moving sculpture, and a narrative.

In "13 Volts and 1 Carrot" I use my gestural interface Kinesis.
13 Volts has been performed in various events, including
MAXIS, Clothworkers Centenary Concert Hall, Interdisciplinary Center for Scientific Research in Music, Leeds, UK in 2003, and Performa 07 International Performance Art Festival, White Box Gallery, New York, US
